Eggs, chorizo and tomato (Spanish all day breakfast)

I don't make any claims over this dish. It's a classic and there are recipes for it all over the place. I just love it, and I wanted to share it with anyone who hasn't had the chance to try it yet. 

Mix it up as much as you like, add spices, other herbs, try using cured chorizo instead of fresh. It all works, and it's all good. 

I think of it as the Spanish all day breakfast as (along with a fry up) I eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The benefit of having it for dinner is that you can more easily justify drinking a good glass of red with it. 

Serves 2 (generously)

1 can chopped tomatoes

4 cooking chorizo sausages, skins removed

4 eggs

1 small onion, sliced 

2 cloves garlic, crushed

1/2 red pepper, finely diced

1 red chilli, finely diced

A few leaves of parsley, roughly chopped

A glug of olive oil


- Heat the olive oil in a pan and fry the chorizo gently, breaking it up with a spatula as you go. 

- After a couple of minutes, add the onion, garlic, pepper, chilli and a decent pinch of salt. Fry for a few minutes until the onions are softened and lightly browned.

- Add the canned tomato and simmer very gently for 15 minutes. 

- Make four indentations in the sauce with the back of a spoon, and crack an egg into each. At this point I simply cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer for around 8 minutes until the eggs are just set, but if you prefer, you can put the whole pan in the oven at 180C for about 10 minutes. 

- Finish with chopped parsley and a little more olive oil if you like. 

- The eggs set the sauce slightly so you can serve it onto plates with a spoon...but I prefer to just eat it from the pan.