How strong is your roast potato game?

I don't often call food perfect. It's each to their own really. But when it comes to crunchy golden roast potatoes - it's pretty close to perfection. 

If you want to up your roastie game - give this a try. 

Full recipe below video. 

Serves 4. 

Sea salt

Vegetable oil (or duck fat, goose fat or beef dripping - I prefer veg oil as I usually serve roast potatoes with meat, so I don't want to cook the potatoes in meat fat, but each to their own). 

1kg of potatoes (Maris Piper, Desiree or King Edwards all work well). 

- Peel the potatoes and cut into rough, 5cm (2inch) chunks.

- Place in cold, salted water and bring to the boil. Boil for 8-12 minutes or until the outside 2mm of the potato is soft enough to be easily scraped away. 

- Preheat your oven to 220C.

- Drain and leave to sit in the pan and steam off for 2 minutes. Now gently stir and shake the pan to fluff up the exterior of the potatoes. 

- Line a roasting tin with baking parchment, pour in 75ml of oil and gently fry the potatoes for about 5 minutes. They don't need to be particularly brown at this stage. It's mainly to get the process started, and to make sure they're all well coated in hot oil. 

- Roast for 45-60 minutes, turning every 15 minutes, until they're well browned and very crunchy. 

- Sprinkle with coarse sea salt and serve.